The US can't name Islam as being her enemy because if she did it would trigger WWIII.
With the UN firmly not on her side in this battle, the only strategy the US thinks she has to ward off the 1.6 billion Muslims who want her to 'submit' is to invade enemy territory, country by country, and then go about setting Shia against Sunni, rebel against terrorist. This is a divide and conquer strategy on the sly. Whilst the tactic may be better than doing nothing, US brass are sorely mistaken if they think that the approach is going to be an effective one in the long run.
The Ummah is now the largest nation on earth, as large as the US' own population and the population of China combined. There are 30 million new Muslims being added to the Ummah every year - not as a result of conversions, but as a result of breeding. Just under half of the world's population growth in the next 20 years is projected to be Muslim (according to independent fact tank Pew Research). The US would need to obliterate the whole population of Iran every two and a half years just to stop the size of the threat from advancing any further.
While the US naively promotes democracy as if it were the equivalent of freedom, the Muslim world is saying "bring it on!". Why wouldn't they? Democracy is not a threat to Islam in a Muslim majority country, only to the theocratic or dictatorial leaders who hold power there. Look at secular democratic Turkey which has a population of 74 million people, 98% of whom are Muslim, approximately two thirds of which identify themselves as being "devout" or "striving to fulfill their religious obligations", almost all of the remainder saying they are "believers" (according to a 2007 KONDA Research survey). 100 years ago under Ottoman rule, Turkey's population was just 13 million and 81% Muslim. Islam has done very nicely in Turkey under secular democratic government.
"Creed is fixed, the law is relative" is the "progressive" Muslim's mantra. The actual position of reformers of Islam who seem to be wanting to advance the cause of Enlightenment in their religion effectively translates to advocating no negotiation on the idea that everyone is born Muslim and has been called for the last time by Allah to 'submit' to the dictates of the Qur'an as revealed to His last prophet, Muhammed, but negotiation on how to go about enforcing that Islamic creed in law.
The UN-lead policy of multiculturalism - a post WWII policy designed to prevent large scale nationalist wars from ever happening again by effectively dissolving nations' identities and adopted by western governments - has also played right into Islam's hands. This is because the Ummah is a nation without borders. It cannot be "dissolved". The West's multi-cultural immigration policy has been the biggest boon for Islamic expansion that the religion has experienced in its 1400 year history.
In the past Islam could only expand its territory by military conquest. Muslims cannot believe their luck with the drawbridge being down all throughout Europe at the moment with countries willing to pay them to enter. Abu Hanifa, founder of the Hanafi school of Fiqh, the largest school of jurisprudence in Islam, introduced the idea of geographical divisions along religious lines called dur or "houses", whereby countries are divided into either Dar al-Amn (House of safety) or Dar al-Harb (House of war). Because of the West's unprecedented immigration policy this last 40 years, the term Dar al-Dawa has been proposed by Western Muslim philosophers for the status of Muslims in the West, which means "House of Invitation".
Every year that the US delays doing what she needs to do, she gets weaker while her enemy gets stronger. All the while Americans are increasingly losing their spirits of patriotism and righteousness. That is because they don't know who their real enemy is and so they are not supporting their government's military invasions into Islamic countries on what seems to them and the rest of the world as being on unjustified grounds. Americans need to know the truth, and most important of all they need to be freed themselves.
The only strategy that will work in the long run against the relentless advance of Islam is for the US to re-liberate her own people. That re-liberation can only be achieved by reinstating and upholding the US Constitution as it was prior to the 16th Amendment, less the Welfare clause. That was the same Constitution that was in place during America's Golden Age. After re-liberating her own people, then, in concert with the rest of the West, she should go about isolating the Islamic threat peacefully by putting a stop to all Islamic immigration and ceasing any and all economic activity with Islamic states. The effect of implementing this solution is that the light of Liberty would shine once more, offering a beacon of hope to the rest of the non-Islamic world. The economic and immigration explosion that would ensue is what is necessary for the US to strengthen herself both morally and financially in order to fight this battle victoriously.
The US' right to self-defensive action through military retaliations should continue to be exercised. I am not advocating a pacifistic approach. But all-out war on the Muslim world is not in anyone's interests at this time, except those of would-be ring-leaders of the Ummah and zealous members itching to claim their rewards in heaven.
The dark disappears only when there is light. The light of freedom is flickering very dimly in the US at the moment while dark forces loom ominously around her. Don't hate America for her mistaken strategy - help her to see the light, her own light. She holds the one and only flame that can reignite the West, even if right now that flame is only the remnant of an idea.