The game is up for the National party, and thank goodness for that.
The arrogant attitude within the party from the left - people like Chris Bishop and David Farrar - is they can adopt all Labour's policies, and hold their supporters in contempt (and they despise the rural small town people), because "they have nowhere else to go"
In response around half a million people who voted National in 2017 are saying "up yours, matey!". Including me. Slut that I am I have voted 2 ticks National at the last three elections haha!
The opinion poll last night shows the game is up and being a very ruthless organisation, not big on sentiment (as Marshall and Bolger can confirm), I suspect Siminda, Kaye, Bishop, Farrar and others to be outski fairly soon.
I was delighted to see the Association of Baby and Granny Murderers has fallen back - with any luck they'll fall even further and Parliament will be spared the working class accent of Beth Holbrook!
New Conservatives are creeping up. Simon Bridges will spend 40 years medicated, talking to himself, in a fug, wondering where it all went wrong. All he had to do was adopt the New Conservative policies and he'd be PM....(because we've found somewhere else to go)