In addition to Orwell's 1984 one could add to the culture war's reading list the following book
Bernard Bailyn's great book "The Ordeal of Thomas Hutchison" Allen Lane 1975 Hutchison was native-born American and the Chief Justice and then later the Governor of pre-Revolutionary Massachusetts. He ended up in exile in England never to return to his homeland.
Bailyn wrote it after the student riots at Berkeley in the late 1960s, which has informed its content. My dissertation supervisor at Canterbury, Dr D C Harlan, painted a picture of Bailyn huddled down in his office at Berkeley as the student mobs wandered outside and wondering how he had become the "enemy."
The chapter on 'Law and order and its break down' (think Seattle) and the one titled the Furies are salutary reading.
It captures everything you need to know for the present madness: lies, fake news; twisting of words, false narratives; the demise of law and order; mobs attacking public figures, shaming and attacking people who had a different opinion from the mob and if the authorities took action they were blamed for being oppressive and if they did not take action they were blamed. The latter is not unlike the MSM Trump scenario.
The mob wanted to bring down the existing "structure" and looked for crises to exploit. Additionally, there was the admixture of the mob (who Hutchison said were mostly misinformed and deceived) and its radicals plus business interests. (The US stock market over the BLM protests has had a series of upward spikes as corporations virtual signal)
Bailyn specifically chose the losing side in the American Revolution to write about. History is first written by the winners then it is by those who see Whiggish progress and ultimately, history Bailyn theorised is tragedy
1763 to 1770 is a good comparator in addition to the 17thC Puritan Revolution in Britain and the French Revolution.
I should add that he also had to witness the iconoclastic removal of paintings of James II and Charles II from the Council Hall: sound familiar?
Graham Hill