It's time to de-fund the New Zealand School of Music. This Woke-Fascist, taxpayer-funded travesty has just announced its support for Black Lives Matter—the Marxist terrorist sub-humans who, along with Profa, are currently looting, rioting, vandalising, burning and killing all across America. "If this country doesn't give us what we want," one of its spokes-specimens has just said, "we will burn down the system."
"What we want" includes de-funding the police.
Now this, from the latest NZSM newsletter:
Black Lives Matter
The New Zealand School of Music—Te Kōkī affirms its support for the goals of the Black Lives Matter movement, and its commitment to addressing systemic racism, injustice, and violence. We've been having discussions as a School as to how we can best open our ears to the conversations taking place at the moment, and are thinking about ways we can take action against any institutional racism within our walls. As these discussions continue, our programmes have come up with some immediate actions they are taking to bring about change. We welcome other suggestions from current and former students, faculty, and staff as to how we create more equitable, more inclusive, and more culturally-relevant learning environments for our students.
All teachers will continue to actively research the artistic voices of composers and performers from underrepresented racial, ethnic and cultural heritages—especially Māori and Pacific people—within their respective disciplines, and highlight them through their choice of examples, models and repertoire presented in lecture materials.
The NZSM commits to ensuring that a significant portion of all public workshops and forums are presented by guests from underrepresented racial, ethnic and cultural heritages.
The Composition programme will contribute to the curation of resources for Performance students to help them research and locate repertoire written by composers from underrepresented racial, ethnic and cultural heritages, and encourage them to programme appropriate repertoire in their recitals where possible.
The Classical Performance programme will feature and engage more professional performers from underrepresented racial, ethnic and cultural heritages, including Māori and Pasifika performers, to connect our students with diverse role models. The programme will also encourage staff and postgraduate students to actively request and populate the university library with more repertoire from underrepresented racial, ethnic and cultural heritages.
The Jazz Programme affirms that jazz is Black music that has become international. We join jazz musicians and composers everywhere and commit to nurturing this tradition in Aotearoa New Zealand by honouring its African American roots in course materials and programme performances, and by fostering multi-cultural jazz legacies in Aotearoa New Zealand through developing jazz pedagogies that are integrated with university and national commitments to the Treaty of Waitangi–Te Tiriti o Waitangi.
The Music Studies programme commits to reviewing our curriculum and research practices to de-center whiteness and prioritize anti-racist approaches in music education and music studies more broadly. This will include examining the content, approaches, and perspectives taught in all of our courses, and more action is to come.
The Music Therapy programme commits to learning about the history of the land in Te Whanganui-a-Tara (Wellington/Victoria location), and the iwi that has mana whenua, and to write a song about it.
I'm sure we all can't wait for the song about "the history of the land in Te Whanganui-a-Tara (Wellington/Victoria location)"!
But note this injunction in particular:
The Music Studies programme commits to reviewing our curriculum and research practices to de-center whiteness and prioritize anti-racist approaches in music education and music studies more broadly. This will include examining the content, approaches, and perspectives taught in all of our courses, and more action is to come.
What this means is that racism is indeed now "systemic" and "institutionalised"—against whites!
"De-center whiteness"??!! Why not just call it "ethnic cleansing"??!! This is beyond sick and evil, and in its name Dead White Males such as Bach, Beethoven and Brahms, not to mention Puccini and Verdi and Tchaikovsky and Rachmaninoff, will be purged from the curriculum and erased from history via the Orwellian memory hole of Woke-Fascism.
Every actual human, who knows among other things that great music is colour-blind, must make his or her voice heard against the Marxist maggots who are perpetrating this! And we must purge our beloved New Zealand of the illegitimate Woke-Fascist Labour/Green/New Zealand Last "government" which has enabled them!
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