This business with Andrew Falloon has blown over quickly.
Creepy, shocking, but because nobody had ever heard of him it was a 14 hour wonder. By lunchtime yesterday it barely made the top 10 trending stories on either Stuff or NZ Herald websites, and has disappeared completely as I write this.
The Labour-voting press gallery is flogging a dead horse. Nobody cares.
Judith has fired a shot across the bows of the Labour party by mentioning an incident involving a certain Cabinet Minister - then quickly saying "oh I don't want to get involved".
Of course not Judith haha!
But compare the media and left wing reactions -
1. Ted Kennedy kills someone. ("Just a girl having fun - nothing to see here")
2. Bill Clinton's rape victims. ("S**ts, b**ches, trailer trash")
3. Joe's pedo hands. ("Girls having fun stop the smears")
4. Dover Samuels. ("Just girls having fun; a smear")
5. Darren Hughes. ("Just a boy having fun, a smear")
Now let's compare that with the "OMG!! this will scar these victims for life" hysteria on both TV networks current affairs shows last night.
Undoubtedly there will be further hysteria of that nature tonight. Kanoa Lloyd is rehearsing as we speak to get her voice to break at just the right moment....
So when it comes to light that a Cabinet Minister is a rapist (even I have heard the story), what will the media reaction be?
1. Jacinda's claims to be a "champion of women" is a crock. This guy needs to be in prison. What sort of people tolerate rapists in order to advance their careers?
2. Oh it was just a girl having fun. Nothing to see here.