... but not really. The gorgeous specimen below is Frank Tufano, one of YouTube's most successful proponents of the thoroughly unWoke Carnivore Diet. The Carnivore Diet, consisting exclusively of animal foods, would be outlawed by the likes of Occasional Cortex and the World Health Organisation, who would make Veganism (and its attendant psychotic humorlessness) mandatory. I can personally attest that drastically reducing the ingestion of plant foods, especially refined plant foods, is KASS for weight loss and overall health. My point here, however, is that the hilarity of Frank's piss-take of upward-inflecting, fry-quacking soy-boys would be entirely wasted on said soy-boys, since loss of humour is as notorious among Vegans as loss of libido. Note that Frank is a much prettier version of Jacinda Podesta, and he has much better tits (even as he captures her "speech" perfectly). That is, he has tits. Note also that 45% of American gays are going to vote for Orange the Magnificent, as well they might since Orange Man Bad is leading the campaign to decriminalise homosexuality all around the world. Given that many people lie to pollsters out of fear of being doxxed or cancelled by Woke-Fascists, 45% probably translates into 75%.