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Orange Man Bad Crushed Sleepy Joe and Woke Wallace


It's astonishing how Woke-Fascist TV propagandists masquerading as anchors—ethical deformities like Don Lemon who has demanded the "whole system be burned down," just as Dem-Scum cities are being burned down by Only Black Lives Matter and PROFA, whom he worships—can all of a sudden start wittering away about "civility" when Trump aggressively and unambiguously bests Biden and Wallace.

Lady Olivia has captured it well:

The only person who showed up for an actual debate with any passion was Trump. But Wallace took on the role of Joe’s nurse-maid and argued for the Democratic side. Wouldn’t let Trump elaborate on left-wing violence, wouldn’t let Trump elaborate on Hunter Biden’s obvious corruption on Joe’s watch (imagine if that were Don Jr or Eric Trump), tried to debate Trump on “racial sensitivity training” when he was meant to let Trump have a minute to expound on it, and wanted to blab on and on about Climate Change causing forest fires etc.

Surprisingly, even Tucker, no Woke-Fascist, was tut-tutting away today like a sanctimonious Woke twat about how "America deserves better." Did Britain deserve better than the roaring lion that was Churchill?

What struck me anew was the brazenness of the Biden lyin'. (I suspect Olivia is correct in saying he was wired up somehow, because it was painfully clear that he was meandering in and out of focus, and when he came into focus it was to utter total lies, in an incongruously concise manner.)

Biden was asked what the Dems mean by "reimagining" the police. Of course, what they mean is "abolishing" the police by "de-funding" them. Biden denied ever supporting this, and claimed to want to spend more overall on policing but redirect much of it so that cops could be accompanied to potentially violent situations by an entourage of social workers, psychologists, sociologists, gender studies graduates and other such modern-day witch-doctors: "violence interrupters" as they've been called, in all apparent seriousness, by the Woke.

This, instructively, served to remind us that the Woke-Fascist coin has two sides. One purveys ridiculous misnomers and euphemisms, such as "violence-interrupters" for pretentious, useless charlatans, "racial sensitivity training" for unabashed anti-White racism (and, as noted in another of my posts, "voice artists" for half-wittedly fry-quacking TV booth announcers), and would ooze such syrup as, "I'm not sure that it's helpful to label murderers as murderers; might it not be more empathetic to call them "life-interrupters?" The other is self-righteously murderous in its blind, hyperventilating hysteria and hatred of all things Trump. The first side is on display in all the aforementioned tut-tutting about "civility"; the other is manifest in the rioters, looters, arsonists and killers on Democrat streets right now, and the scarcely "civil" savages who scream in the faces of humans in restaurants. It's the same coin. They're the same people!

And it is they who are spewing toxic Woke-Fascism into Biden's ear!

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