Cutting-edge thinkers are naturally somewhat incestuous and unhealthy. Those who are especially isolated and advanced are sometimes truly sick. They have a tendency to think up concepts and offer up ideas -- at least in part -- which are genuinely crazed and depraved. For all their virtuous and valliant efforts -- all their brave and honest attempts to uplift mankind and advance human knowledge -- false and evil beliefs occasionally flow fast and furious.
Such geniuses and intellectual leaders need to make a solid and sustained effort to discuss their extremist insights and avant-garde theories with competent critics. This is necessary to avoid sometimes obvious and profound errors, and to advance their speed of self-education. Cutting-edge theorists should continuously, actively seek out consultants and analysts of high intellectual and moral caliber who -- so far as possible -- are familiar with, and experts upon, their specific realm of inquiry. Such colleagues are helpful editors, implicit allies, and invaluable testing stones for the genius's radical, shocking, and dangerous new ideas.