....to stand back, hands on hips, and say "But it's the PRINCIPLE of the thing" and bask in the glow of your own righteousness and virtue.
It takes an even more special kind of stupid for unthinking, mantra chanting dullards to gush in orgasmic admiration at your righteousness and virtue - ("oh yes! yes! YES!!! it's the principle of the thing...")
Imagine if you will a situation whereby you took out the roll from your pocket.... (I realise certain loud mouthed, pro capitalism, libertarians are unfamiliar with having a roll of banknotes residing in their own pocket - that the very notion is implausible - but as a literary device: let's pretend haha!)....peeled off a couple of twenties, gave it to your three year old, opened the front door and said "go forth into the World - you are now free". Sort of like Dick Whittington without the cat.
Needless to say everybody just recoiled in horror at the very thought of casting out such a young child into the big wide World; a worse crime is hard to think of.
But gosh darn it, to keep that child in your house, under your domination, feeding him, clothing him, calling the Doctor when he's ill, obeying your rules is tyranny don't you know?
I am setting him free goddammit! he should do all these things for himself and not be beholden, not be under domination; it's the principle of the thing (don't you people understand???)
As I say, it takes a special kind of stupid to cast a three year old into the World and think something virtuous has occurred.
Once the bewildered three year old wanders around in a daze for a while, finds his new - free - life consists of his standard of living dropping by 90%, along with starvation, ignorance, being at the mercy of thugs and goodness knows who else, unable to go to kindy, unable to do much beyond sleeping in a doorway; freezing, ill, hungry, tired, dirty, dressed in rags and...
...but he is FREE goddammit! it's the PRINCIPLE of the thing (what don't you understand about that???)