Here is Stefan Molyneux conducting a very libertarian analysis of the Olympics. He destroys the entire modern phenomenon. As usual, his is a very empirical analysis.
I can recall reading essay after essay written by Objectivists throughout the years (especially by Robert Tracinski) that defended the Olympics as the "pursuit of excellence" and "spiritual fuel" and "individual achievement", etc. But did those Objectivists ever ask "at whose expense?" Or "why should we care about a sport like field hockey or ping pong or vollball if they are not even supported by a private market" (they may or may not be, I don't know)?
And also, I thought Objectivists hated nationalism. Trump is a nationalist!! Well what is the Olympics if it is not nationalism? Did you give a crap about women's field hockey last month? Then why now?
My point is that I see no insightful commentary coming from ANYONE in Objectivist circles. At least with libertarians you get an actual attempt at pro-liberty analysis. From Objectivists, all I see is the repetition of Randian language but without any art or depth. Its mindless sloganeering.