Fidel was as eloquent an embodiment of the reality that those who overthrow dictators become worse if not constrained by checks and balances and a pro-liberty philosophy—and that absolute power corrupts absolutely—as Robert Mugabe, with equally disastrous results. Moronnials, pomowankers, Obleftivists and The Filth generally will be requiring counselling—in safe zones free from micro-aggressions and triggering and White Privilege—over his death as much as they do over Trump's victory. After betraying his initial rhetoric and accepting Soviet sponsorship, Castro banned opposition, and murdered and tortured dissidents. He destroyed Cuba's economy with statism. Fittingly, The Filth worships him as much as it does Che Guevara, without a clue as to what either actually represented (when it has a clue, The Filth supports what they represented).
The Filth is not doing so well lately. Hillary down, Fidel out. Wotta shame!
That said, I'd love to see just one purported champion of liberty with fire in his belly comparable to Fidel's!! Our side are neutered by Political Correctness that says fire in one's belly is the worst of all sins. Whereas the worst sin is really the lack of it, as Dante knew:
The darkest places in hell are reserved for those who maintain their neutrality in times of moral crisis.