Having had one other person bring this up with me previously, I thought that it was an interesting enough discussion to merit wider discussion.
Standard libertarian thinking is that borders should be open to peaceful people and that any controls should only be to ensure that those with criminal histories of fraud or violence be stopped at the border. That is currently my view also.
However, across Europe we are seeing a plague of Islamic poison spreading across Europe and the UK due to relatively liberal migration laws that allow conservative Muslims in. As the Islamic population grows in these countries, so do the reports of threats and violence, protests demanding restrictions on speech and imposition of sharia law. Could liberal's policies on immigration be their own worst enemy?
When I see politicians such as Geert Wilders speaking out against Islam, I completely agree with what he says about this horrendous evil philosophy. I agree that it is a philosophy that is openly hostile to individual liberty. I am uncomfortable at the idea of having a large number of adherents in my neighbourhood. But is it right to have closed borders?
Does that make it moral to impose limits on our borders on individuals who have no history of violence?