This thread will be permanently blue-stickied, like the Global Warming thread, and should be treated as a resource both to mete out a modicum of virtual justice to The Filth and to afford an outlet for decent human beings to relieve some of their frustration at the prevalence of said Filth. The idea is to nominate worthy candidates for deportation to the country that is arguably the worst repository of The Filth on earth, Iran. Nominees should be sub-humans who, by their own behaviour, if not stated convictions, should feel at home there.
I'd like to start the ball rolling by nominating:
Hillary Clinton—this witch is attempting a comeback notwithstanding that she's known to be among the most corrupt creatures ever to run for President. Talk about collusion with the Russians? Crooked gave them uranium! Ran on Identity Politics, which is pure evil.
Barack Obama—The Anti-American President. See my various essays of that title on this site. A traitor, pure and simple. Enabled MS-13 and Islamofilth to entrench in certain American cities. Sought a "fundamental transformation" of America via demographics and Marxism. The best friend terrorism ever had.
James Comey—weasel of the lowest order. Had an agenda all along while masquerading as a model of probity. Let Crooked off the hook. A shameless leaker. Now plotting revenge against The Pro-American President via the Special Counsel he contrived to trigger.
Jessica Tarlov—apologist for such Filth. Her fry-quacking is a Weapon of Mass Destruction, a form of cultural terrorism. All other fry-quackers too. (This will make the media pretty much a woman-free zone. Still, they'll be allowed to fry-quack, but not much else, in Iran.)
Chris Matthews, Jake Tapper, Don Lemon, Rachael Maddow, Anderson Cooper, Morning Joe et al: all the Fake News scum. Evil set to unprofessionalism. Let them go somewhere their anti-Americanism will blend in.
To Iran with The Filth! Let's banish thousands and thousands of them. Please, SOLOists, add your nominations below. Let's get the one-way aeroplane ticket machine working overtime!