It is claimed that Fox News is being groomed for a leftward lurch engineered by the sons of Rupert Murdoch, pussy-whipped as they allegedly are by their bimbo, fry-quacking, social-climbing, Politically Correct, Islamo-Marxist, floozie female spouses. Evidentiary exhibits cited include the firings of Roger Ailes and Bill O'Reilly. I do not know if the case stacks up. Ailes created a culture of naked, fry-quacking bimbos, and was thus arguably the victim of his own karma—naked, fry-quacking bimbos got him in the end. O'Lielly showed himself to be an opportunistic bloviator, as I've demonstrated on the site, and so I can't feel heartbreak at his demise—Tucker Carlson is much better. Hannity is still on the air notwithstanding a concerted effort by The Filth to take him down.
But what is one to make of something like this—a "story" posted on the Fox News website by one Andrew O'Reilly (no relation to Bill as far as I know) blathering about a rise in "Islamophobia" by "right-wing extremists"?!
This putrid PC piffle even cites a "study" by "scholars" whose full-time occupation apparently is chronicling the rise of "Islamophobia" in Europe.
What is really ominous is that this tripe, the sort of excrement one would expect to find on CNN, is published without a "comments" section, so humans are not able to call this Filth out on that page.
Sound the alarm wherever you can, SOLOists!