Fundraising launch!
By Olivia Pierson
Greetings Friends!
I am now in the process of fundraising for an upscale forum to hold in-depth and entertaining debates in Auckland. New Zealand speakers for a New Zealand audience.
Dear Cicero Debate Forum seeks to become New Zealand's liveliest platform to debate ideas. They will be intelligent debates to indulge in our democracy's gift of freedom of speech and self-expression. A place where people can ride into battle, but only with their wits!
This will be a platform for clear thinkers and strong speakers to engage in classy, civilised debates and discussions on matters which are important to New Zealanders, both culturally and politically. Two or three debaters on each side of a stated motion will be hosted by an objective moderator. Well known speakers will be sourced from New Zealand's media, political landscape, academia and also from our speaking circuit.
The debates are to be filmed for internet & television (Face TV: Sky Channel 83), these will be in-depth debates with an interactive audience, created to enlighten, to inform and to entertain. They're to be done in a similar style to Intelligence Squared Debates overseas. First one to be held in early 2019.
Money raised will be spent on: venue hire, expenses pertaining to the speakers and moderators, security, filming for internet and for Face TV screening, ticketing and front of the house ushering and also for sound/audio expertise and live streaming.
Money left over from crowdfunding the first debate will go towards the second debate.
So please head on over to my PledgeMe page, and if you can contribute via crowdfunding to help me get this forum off the ground and regularly running amazing debates, I would be most grateful!
Why the name "Dear Cicero?" To find out more about who Marcus Tullius Cicero was, click here.
Once again, the PledgeMe page is here.