The Right-wing of NZ Needs Courage
By Olivia Pierson Trotter’s latest piece for Incite, Fixing What’s been Broken, raised an important point which has also been occupying my own mind in the last...
View ArticleBlack Thought
Evil intellectuals almost always write in deliberately complex, subtle, obscure, tricky ways. This is almost their signature behavior. As was observed at the very dawn of the liberal era 2600 years...
View ArticleThey Were Christians
Most of those killed in Sri Lanka by Muslim savages were Christians.But many of the left and their 'journalist' lackeys refuse to acknowledge that fact.Obama didn't utter the 'C' word, calling the...
View ArticleANZAC Day 2019: The Lost Generation (Reprised)
By Olivia Pierson back from an epoch that is sure to be noted in history as an unprecedented time of luxurious peace and prosperity, it is difficult to imagine...
View ArticleCommon Sense
I think it's immensely sad America doesn't just invade this country, install a tiny administration for a free state, and take its oil as a fee. The local people would certainly live a lot better, and...
View ArticleNew Zealand Is a Police State
There is now apparently a police-compiled Enemies List circulating among New Zealand's totalitarian Globalist elite, such as Comrade Adern, Comrade Andrew Little, Comrade Winston Peters and new Human...
View ArticleReligion, Beauty & Eternity
By Olivia Pierson in the New Zealand psyche is undergoing a current transformation that cannot be denied. It is as if we have awoken from our naive, youthful...
View ArticleNew Statue of Liberty
The world needs a new Statue of Liberty -- probably a new human figure of defiant and heroic liberty. A statue which is animated, dynamic, powerful, and vibrant. We need a figure which is a triumphant...
View ArticleLittle Truth Does He Know
By Olivia Pierson current Minister of Justice Andrew Little, wrote a very cunningly crafted article for the NZ Herald recently titled: Hate speech threatens our...
View ArticleRobert Spencer: 'The History of Jihad—from Muhammad to ISIS'
[T]here is no period since the beginning of Islam that was characterized by large-scale peaceful coexistence between Muslims and non-Muslims. There was no time when mainstream and dominant Islamic...
View ArticleSam Harris’ Best Podcast on Jihad: 'Why We Hate You & Why We Fight You' link will take you through to Sam Harris’ best podcast.Sam reprised this podcast after the recent, horrific murders in Sri Lanka committed by middle-class...
View ArticleFreedom Fights Back! Mark Latham's Maiden Speech
Former Australian Labor Party leader Mark Latham was recently elected to New South Wales' upper house as a One Nation MP. During his years out of politics he learned about the threat to Western...
View ArticleStrange Cultural Bedfellows
By Olivia Pierson Christian-right and the secular-right may yet find themselves uniting upon the foundation of the greatest values ever created by mankind: liberty,...
View ArticleThe Insidious Organising Principle of ‘Equality'
By Olivia Pierson 1990, during a British parliamentary debate on the unequal gap between rich and poor, the late Dame Margaret Thatcher formidably scolded liberal...
View ArticleEU 2019 elections megathread
The continent-wide elections for the European Union's parliament are underway. Tomorrow the last ballots will be cast.- Britain. Nigel Farage's newfly formed Brexit Party is said to be the clear...
View ArticleJacinda Ardern: The Woman’s Weekly Prime Minister
By Olivia Pierson people like the traits of self-confidence, tolerance and a fair mind. But when a prime minister consistently styles her public life and messaging...
View Article“Sleepers Awake”—The Woke Threat to The Rule of Law
The Rule of Law (RoL) is one of the important gears that mesh with several others to form the machinery of Western civilisation. Niall Ferguson in the West and the Rest has called it one of “the Killer...
View ArticleThought Police Prompt FSC to Ponder Podcast
Free Speech CoalitionDear Supporter,Is calling a politician the name of a fairy tale character worthy of Police action?Over the weekend, the head of a Rotorua ratepayers’ association was accused of...
View ArticleThe Ayn Rand Institute's Altruism as Appeasement
In the last decade, or longer, the Ayn Rand Institute (ARI) has veered sharply to the political and cultural left. This sad reality has been documented on this blog and elsewhere. During this period...
View ArticleGlobal Muslim Leaders Conference for NZ: Was Sri Lanka Booked Out?
By Olivia Pierson highly staged piece of multicultural theatre is being planned by the Federation of Islamic Associations NZ (FIANZ). They’re organising a global...
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