When NZ Was Decent, Before It Became Woke
I had many public clashes with Prime Minister Muldoon, in the course of professional devil's advocacy—and he knew, over and above that, I detested his anti-Reagan Big Governmentism. He respected my...
View ArticleFree Roger Stone!!!!!
The three-year jail sentence on Roger Stone is beyond a travesty, even though it's well below the 9 years proposed by Dem-Scum and lauded no doubt by Obleftivists. Roger did nothing wrong at all. I...
View ArticleObserve Labour’s New-Found Silence on Hate Speech Laws
By Olivia Piersonhttps://www.oliviapierson.org/...[Author’s Edit: Since the writing of this piece, Andrew Little has broken his silence on the topic by confirming that the Labour government will...
View ArticleCancel Wokery!
In my recent article on the proposed downgrading of Concert FM, I concluded: "If compulsorily-acquired money is going to prop up radio stations, Concert FM should be at the top of the list."Having...
View ArticleDon Brash, Sorosian with TDS
It's Brash the Bolshevik now! The former ACT leader, whom I'm ashamed to say I promoted and supported at that time, would now vote for any piece of Dem-Scum over Donald Trump. His dream ticket is Nanny...
View ArticleOnly In America...
There are a couple of aspects of America which the rest of the World views as a bit odd. One is citizenship and the wankword cliche "a pathway to citizenship" which is trotted out for illegal aliens...
View ArticleIslamo-Marxism Is Now Officially a Virus!
Goat-fucking is now known to spread the Coronavirus! Latest casualty: the deputy-Health Minister of Iran. !!!! Poetic justice was never more poetic than this. Question: how did the virus get from a...
View ArticleThe Latest from Amy and James - "right"
Can anyone tell me why Amy and James think saying "right" every five seconds makes them more persuasive?https://www.youtube.com/watch?...
View ArticleThe Woke Cancel Their Own
Chris Matthews, hard-left host of MSDNC's Hardball has just been forced to resign for complimenting a woman on her appearance. It couldn't have happened to a more deserving, odious Woke Fascist. Of...
View ArticleThere Is No Depth ...
.... to which the Woke Fascists will not stoop in their enthusiasm for goat-fucking. Obleftivists, SJWs, pomowankers, Bernie Sanders supporters, Dem-Scum, all of them support this kind of travesty:...
View ArticleHannah Tamaki is the Victim of Bullying, Not the Bully
By Olivia Piersonhttps://www.oliviapierson.org/...Outspoken pentecostal Christian and wannabe politician, Hannah Tamaki of Destiny Church, is the latest victim of a media bullying campaign because of...
View ArticleToo Good To Be True?
This is exactly the sort of Campaign ad Trump should be doing: "civilisation at the crossraods," calling out The Filth in all its guises: Dems, Fake News, Soros, the Clintons ("yes, she should be...
View ArticleShyster Schumer the Shmearing Shit!
Realise what Dem-Scum Schumer was threatening here when he told Gorsuch and Kavanaugh "you won't know what hit you": a repeat of something like Prissy Brazen Fraud of the Ugly Wimmin's League telling...
View ArticleJournalism in the Age of Woke
Wokers forbid humour, but they sure as hell provide plenty of comedy !"MSNBC’s Brian Williams and New York Times editorial board member Mara Gay were being schooled by Twitter TWTR, -4.31% users on...
View ArticleDear Capitalists
My fellow capitalists there is no need to panic about recent events; it's just the free market working.The collapse of the oil market, down 27%, is being portrayed by the ignorant media as a bad thing...
View ArticleWhen Jihadi Jacinda's Thought Police Pull You Over ...
... to "check your thinking" as they do in Britonistan:Unfortunately, Jihadi's TP are not handsome, wholesome young men like this one. They're fat, ugly, man-hating, life-hating, unfit, Woke members of...
View ArticleInspiring, Timely Reminder from Dr Bella d'Abrera
First published in New Zealand Initiative's weekly 'Insights,' 7/2020. Reproduced with permission.Why Western civilisation is worth defendingDr Bella d’Abrera | Director 'Foundations of Western...
View ArticleThank God for the Occasional Victory!
Next: "safe spaces" on campus!!MEDIA RELEASE MPs vote to uphold important free speech principle 11 MARCH 2020 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEThe Free Speech Coalition congratulates Parliament on removing the...
View ArticleSix Upsides of Corona
The old adage that what doesn't kill you will only make you stronger may never be truer in our time than in the case of the Corona Virus that is currently throwing almost everyone into hysteria and...
View ArticleRights Based on Natural Law, Part One: According to John Locke
By Olivia Piersonhttps://www.oliviapierson.org/...No discussion of human rights can ever be embarked upon without at least a basic summary understanding about the thoughts of English political...
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