Ode to Bacchus—Sepia's Latest Lanza CD
The only thing extraordinarily ordinary about the extraordinarily extraordinary new CD from Sepia is the title: The Immortal Voice of Mario Lanza—A Centennial Celebration. The rapturous musical fare...
View ArticleGo Rand Paul!
The people who funded the gain of function in this virus and patented it in the U.S before it was engineered in China in the Wuhan lab, then released somehow, are the same people who are pushing the...
View ArticleAmerican Marxism by Mark levin
The key to the pushback is knowledge, not bumper stickers. This book is the informative way of doing so and is an accessible text. The chapters break down into areas: race/gender/trans, media,...
View ArticleDr Micahel Anton's Political and Logical fallacies of the Left's Propaganda...
Both these writers tell us things worth knowing and our own "Dear Government" may also use them from time to time. Best to be able to pick it out and know what is going onThe US Democrats and the left,...
View ArticleDr. Robert Malone, Inventor of mRNA Technology, Signals the Worst-Case...
Author: Teodrose FikremariamThis is only shocking to people who have not done their research about mRNA “vaccines” and are in the dark about their checkered history. Past studies on ferrets and cats...
View ArticleThe Human Rights Commission Wades into the terra nova of Housing- Human...
From the Epoch Times 3 August 2021:"New Zealand’s Human Rights Commission, a veritable Alexander the Great ever in search of lands to conquer, has launched an investigation into what it calls a...
View ArticleTeen Vogue becomes Archilochus' Hedgehog - Marx as Mephistophelles has all...
The parable of the Hedgehog and the Fox strikes again.Marxism and its Neo-Marxism critical theory are the Hedgehog of the one "Big Idea" that explains the whole world. In doing so it over abstracts...
View ArticleSome Notes on Critical Race Theory (CRT)
Some Notes on Critical Race Theory (CRT)by Nicholas DykesI must state immediately that I have not read a formal presentation of this theory by one of its advocates – for the simple reason that when I...
View ArticleThe Rule of Law: Individula rights and the paramount interests of the child v...
Both Karl du Fresne and Chris Trotter have blogged on the Hawkes Bay Case of a young girl about who should have a parenting order for her and whether this should proceed on the basis of culture or...
View Article. . . . Pants on Fire !
https://www.youtube.com/watch?...Today, Joe Biden, the so-called ‘leader’ of the so-called ‘freest county in the free world,’ on a platform to the so-called ‘United Nations,’ lied his head off for 30...
View ArticleSummary - HAD ENOUGH BS - Presentation to local MP Kaikoura - Stuart Smith
Hi Mr Smith, As follow-up to our meeting this morning, I herein summarize the points I brought to your attention. There is a lot more I could say, however for purposes of retention and hopefully...
View ArticleRead about Seymour
I was surprised to hear a politician offering his opinion on the non-thinking that pervades and perverts statists. He identifies a "form of postmodernism" and subjectivism as root errors. He is...
View Article“Liberty Lost” - Criminalisation of Parental Dissent to CRT as Domestic...
Tyranny is anti-fragile: liberty is fragile Liberty is taken for granted: tyranny relegated to a rhetorical shibboleth. The nature of both was sanitised or anesthetised. Pronouncing on liberty and...
View ArticleMy Submission to Health Committee COVID-19 Public Health Response Amendment...
By Olivia Piersonhttps://www.oliviapierson.org/... Fellow New Zealanders,You have only three days left to make a submission to the Health Committee Covid-19 Public Health Response Amendment Bill,...
View ArticleThe Latest From James Valliant on The Passion of Ayn Rand's Critics
As partisans of the “PARC wars” may recall, James Valliant claimed that The Passion of Ayn Rand’s Critics (2005) was “heavily edited” but never named the editor.Yesterday, James stated that when...
View ArticleGod Defend New Zealand
By Olivia Piersonhttps://www.oliviapierson.org/...The day of the year that I enjoy being with my fellow New Zealanders the most is ANZAC Day. For me it trumps Christmas, birthdays and everything in...
View ArticleThe Great Reset’s Digital ID for New Zealand - “The Digital Identity Services...
By Olivia Piersonhttps://www.oliviapierson.org/...Our government likes to rule under cover of darkness while people are utterly distracted and have little knowledge of bills going through parliament....
View ArticleGang R***, Movember, MAGA Labour Car, Maskerade, Seth I mean Joe Rogans Podcast
On the latest Mr Berry Mr Berry Show
View ArticleAll I Want for Christmas
In the lead-up to the introduction of the odious Traffic Lights System by the Jacinda Junta, New Zealand's plunge into full-blown totalitarianism—supported by every party in Parliament—proceeded at a...
View ArticleMake Christmas More Commercial -- Leonard Peikoff
Unfortunately, almost everything in this piece on the origin of Christmas traditions and the supposed rationale for Christians chosing December 25 as Jesus's birthday is...
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