Oh joy!
Not since the vile Hillary went down and so-called journalists—the enemy of the people—abandoned all pretence of disinterestedness and professionalism, weeping and wailing openly at the triumph of Orange Man Bad, have I laughed so much. The vile Sorosian Socialist Commie Corbyn goes down. The vile Jo Swineson goes down. Orange Man Bad #2 Boris gets a thumping mandate to take Britain out of the vile Anti-European Union, finally. Only in Sorosian Londonistan, stabbing capital of the world—inundated as it has been by primitive superstitionists with an obvious investment in open borders—does Remain get any traction. Oh, and Sorosian Scotland, where "nationalists" who want to surrender national sovereignty to the vile EU have done inexplicably well. In spite of them, and because of the lingering influence of patriotism, decency, and a genuine commitment to freedom, Britonistan has been postponed!!