Obleftivist trash
It is now November 2019.Exactly ZERO, 0, nada, nisba, NIHIL, response to #MOGA.Happy Halloween.
View ArticleYaron Brook Discovers the Fifth-Column
Unfortunately, the fifth-column Brook calls out on his latest video are patriotic Objectivists who don't hate President Trump. More on this later, after the context is set. Brook is really in a black...
View ArticleModern American Hero
Here's an interview with President Reagan just as he was leaving office in 1989. The Reagan Derangement Syndromers were putting it out there that he was senile, which is clearly not the case. Ayn Rand...
View ArticleBuckle Up!
We're back, after I took time out to try to come to grips with the enormity—by which I had become beyond-gobsmacked—of the evil prowling through the universe in the form of Soros, Schiff, ARI and its...
View ArticleSteven Mallory's Drooling Beast
Here, to invoke Bruno from the thread below, are three "purposeful and calculated liars," all law professors, whose evil certainly does not lie in their refusing to focus. At the same time they are so...
View ArticleFry-Quacking as a Harbinger of Western Civilisation's Demise
Fry-quackers currently rule the world. They are ubiquitous and inescapable. Their aural pollution is a much greater existential threat than "climate change" (which isn't a threat at all, and of which...
View ArticleGoodbye the Plantation: Trump, Blacks & Kanye
By Olivia Piersonhttps://www.oliviapierson.org/...A very unusual state of affairs is taking place with black voters across the United States. When Mitt Romney ran on the Republican ticket for the...
View ArticleMario in Martinborough!
Mario in Martinborough!A butcher's shop—Scotty's Meats, aka Carnivore Heaven—from which you can smell the blood a mile away. The world's finest wines. The world's most irresistible foods (including...
View ArticleTraining Saudis to Fly Never Ends Well
Why is this still happening?! Why are these savages from this blighted barbaric medieval backwater allowed into the United States, let alone to train as pilots?!Bring back Trump's original "complete...
View ArticleGusto Rocks, Gustav Sucks
Gusto Rocks, Gustav SucksNew Zealand Symphony Orchestra conducted by Edo de Waart with Lauren Snoufer (soprano), Anna Larsson (mezzo), Orpheus Choir, Voices NZ Chamber Choir. Mahler Symphony No.2...
View ArticleGod Bless America!!
Orange Man Bad tells the story of Irving Berlin's classic at 51' 25". This must drive Islamo-Marxists, including Obleftivists, crazy. Decency resurgent!! Hugs from "special needs" people to boot!!
View ArticleOrange Man Bad vs Child Molesters of the Mind
The battle for school choice. The hardest one of all:
View ArticleObamarx Started the Russia/Ukraine Hoax
The facts are tumbling out, even as the Inspector-General tries to pretend that the concerted attempt to stage a coup against Trump by the Swamp was not politically motivated. The coup cabal included...
View ArticleTerrorism Must Be Met With the Death Penalty
By Olivia Piersonhttps://www.oliviapierson.org/...“The nobility of England, my lord, would have snored through the Sermon on the Mount. But you’ll labour like Thomas Aquinas over a rat-dog’s pedigree!...
View ArticleBritonistan Postponed!
Oh joy!Not since the vile Hillary went down and so-called journalists—the enemy of the people—abandoned all pretence of disinterestedness and professionalism, weeping and wailing openly at the triumph...
View ArticleObleftivist Pin-Up Pelosi Confesses ...
... it was always about impeachment of Orange Man Bad all along, regardless of evidence. From the moment he was elected:Purported devotees of evidence and logic, such as Obleftivists, go along with...
View ArticleOrange Man Bad's Perfect Letter to Putrid Pelosi
"Your legacy will be that of turning the House of Representatives from a revered legislative body into a Star Chamber of partisan persecution."In this Orwellian universe we now inhabit—this time of...
View ArticleSamuel Adams Foresaw The Filth
“A general dissolution of the principles and manners will more surely overthrow the liberties of America than the whole force of the common enemy. While the people are virtuous they cannot be subdued;...
View ArticleThe Great Boltio Loves The Great Mario!
Andrew Bolt, one of the last hold-outs for civilised values on Australian TV, shows himself to be the man of rational passion and passionate reason we always knew he had to be:"It’s sad, but some...
View ArticleGallant Geller Triumphant over Anti-Free Speech Filth
I just took SOLO off-line for Christmas. Then this came into my inbox from The Bravest Woman in America, Pamela Geller. Have to share this inspiring true story of utter heroism. Merry Xmas!—LinzWow,...
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