Some years ago I got into terrible trouble with orthodox Objectivists who were backing Leonard Peikoff's call to vote Democrat across the board because a) socialism was dead as a philosophical force, and thus, not the concern it might otherwise be; b) Republicans were so bad the primary political imperative at the time was to "topple" them; and c) the Republicans, left untoppled, would usher in a Christian theocracy.
Last night's debate among the Democratic contenders for their party's nomination for the Presidency made it abundantly clear that socialism is no corpse, even though its stench is worse than that of the most maggot-ridden cadaver, and the primary political imperative of 2016 should be to topple the Dem-Scum. Because Republicans have been cowardly, their majorities in the Senate and the House have been useless in stopping the Obamarxian juggernaut; Dem-Scum must be kept out of the White House as well. Bernie Sanders or Hillary Clinton (or any of the remaining motley three) ... well, as Hillary might say, what difference does it make?! These were all unabashed socialists competing to establish who among them was the most socialistic. They were a cesspool of statism within an avalanche of authoritarianism.
Bernie has made proposals for "free stuff"—to be paid for mainly by the diabolical one-percenters—totaling 18 trillion dollars: about as much as the debt Obamarx has already run up. The others fell over backwards to aver that they too were on board with "free" health care and college tuition for illegal aliens (sorry, "undocumented immigrants") and the like. It's not enough, apparently, that the one-percenters provide 50% of all tax revenue and most of the real jobs in the economy—they are the repository of all evil and must be taxed and regulated even more (for a full explication of how the 1% sustains the remaining 99%, see George Reisman, ).
Socialism dead? We wish!
Economic illiteracy of the candidates aside, their rallying around Hillary Clinton, Liar-in-Chief in the Benghazigate scandal, was inexcusable. Hillary, desperate to be America's first woman president, is unlikely to make it through to the nomination because the full extent of her treachery, already being investigated by the FBI, will probably be exposed by the e-mails she thought she'd deleted. Even the America in which "millennial" airheads now preponderate has not fallen so far that it will vote for a repulsive opportunist with the blood of true patriots on her hands, just because that candidate has a vagina. Has it?
Then again, perhaps the America castrated by Political Correctness has. Such an America deserves the Muslim theocracy that, thanks to Dems, is much more likely than a Christian one.