The GOP 2015 Second Debate Rundown
The GOP 2015 Second Debate Rundown By Edward HudginsSeptember 17, 2015 -- The second GOP presidential debates (held September 16, 2015) were grueling affairs: four candidates for nearly two hours and...
View ArticleThe NZSO and Keeping the Flame
In my essay, Music of the Gods, extolling the supremacy of the Romantic genre in music, I noted:... in the Romantic period (nineteenth and early twentieth centuries) composers and performers pushed the...
View ArticleReality Trumps Trump
There are two types of people in this world: TDTWs and anti-TDTWs. TDTW stands for: [Mr. Gorbachev] Tear Down This Wall. The two types are: 1) those who would have urged President Reagan to go ahead...
View ArticleWelfare Statism
The basic idea behind the Welfare State is people are far too stupid and evil to live their lives decently or properly on their own, so they need to be forced to do so by a wise and virtuous...
View ArticlePope Francis vs. the Cure of Reason
Pope Francis vs. the Cure of Reason By Edward HudginsSeptember 25, 2015 -- A young girl was recently interviewed on TV about her encounter with Pope Francis on his visit to the United States. She cried...
View ArticleRestrict Government, Not Gun Rights
The mass shooting today at an Oregan community college has already begun to bring out the usual chorus of calls for further violations of the Second Amendment rights of individuals to keep and bear...
View Article45 Seconds that Shamed the World
Benjamin Netanyahu eyeballs the gutless enablers of Islamosavagery for 45 seconds at the UN. You'll see some of them hang their heads in shame. As Obamullah allows Putin and the Ayatollah complete...
View ArticlePope Francis = TAS
Pope Francis = TASTurns out Pope Francis met up with Kim Davis, who went to jail for refusing to issue marriage licenses to gay couples. But now the Pope is trying to deny it, or at least, downplay the...
View ArticlePope Francis = TAS
Pope Francis = TASTurns out Pope Francis met up with Kim Davis, who went to jail for refusing to issue marriage licenses to gay couples. But now the Pope is trying to deny it, or at least, downplay the...
View ArticleFormidable Fox
Much hilarity today as Fox News celebrated its 19th birthday with clips of current anchors on Launch Day looking preposterously young. Bill O'Reilly with hair. Sean Hannity with even more hair. Neil...
View Article"The Martian." Movie review
The Martian Movie Review By Edward HudginsOctober 2, 2015 — The Martian, from director Ridley Scott, is an exciting film about an astronaut stranded on the Red Planet. It celebrates the heroism that...
View ArticleWhy Bill O'Lielly Is a Piece of Shit
One day ago I posted a piece celebrating Fox's 19th birthday. I meant it. Fox has held the line against Political Correctness in a way that has delayed a full-blown PC tyranny. Bill O'Reilly, on the...
View ArticleTitanic Tosca!
In my profile of Simon O'Neill, When a Cover-Up Is a Good Thing, written before New Zealand Opera's production of Tosca had opened in Auckland, Mr. O'Neill (hereinafter to be referred to as "Sir Simon"...
View Article'The Republican Party's Civil War: Will Freedom Win?' by Edward Hudgins
Interesting 15-minute video presentation by 'The Atlas Society's' Ed Hudgins discussing current American politics, and promoting his new book The Republican Party's Civil War: Will Freedom...
View ArticleDisgusting Dems
Some years ago I got into terrible trouble with orthodox Objectivists who were backing Leonard Peikoff's call to vote Democrat across the board because a) socialism was dead as a philosophical force,...
View ArticleMedia-Nazis' Own Goal
All over the western world, the mainstream media are infested with illiberals: the humourless, conscienceless, Islam-loving Politically Correct Fascists of the Left who crawl out from under their rocks...
View ArticleTurnover King Canute - David Pocock
David Pocock cannot be said to be a hero for his chosen sport of rugby, a sport which has served him well. “There’s much more to life than chasing a rugby ball” he explains. That is the talk of a...
View ArticleARI Changes Course on Rand Biographies (Sort Of)
Folks, the long-awaited Salmieri and Gotthelf A Companion to Ayn Rand will be out shortly.You can read an Salmieri's introduction here (as well as the table of contents and index):...
View ArticleNot One Muslim!
Here's a new, but commonplace, outrage by Islamosavages. Commentary is unnecessary. Not one adherent to this unspeakable belief system should be allowed in to a civilised country when adherents to said...
View ArticleAnother 'Atlas Shrugged' Movie!
Will so-called Objectivists rally round this time or sit and sneer in cultish pomowanker group-think? The latter, I suspect.http://thelibertarianrepublic....Ayn Rand’s “Atlas Shrugged” rightfully sits...
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