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Six Steps (Non-Exhaustive) toward the Saving of Western Civilisation


When Western Civilisation comes to an end, as it assuredly soon must if it doesn't quickly mount a dramatic rearguard action on its own behalf, its epitaph will be words that have been cited often, but not often enough: "Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it." Evil triumphs not through its own strength (on its own, unnurtured by filthy compromisers, it has none) but from being appeased and thus enabled by the (purportedly) good. We live in a time when it is deemed unsophisticated even to refer to good and evil; the social-climbing fools and cowards who conform so cravenly to this nostrum are, minus a rearguard action such as I posit here, about to be vanquished by the very evil they imagine it uncool to acknowledge. They will get what they deserve: dhimmitude or death (and I for one won't mourn them).

Here's what a rearguard action must consist of, at minimum, if it is to have any hope of being effective:

1) Declare war on Islam. Not "radical" Islam, but all of it—the whole stupid, stinking savage superstition in its entirety. That's where the threat is coming from and that's what must be confronted. "Radical" Islam is not some anomalous malignancy on a benign ideology; Islam itself is a malignancy. When Ben Carson says, "I believe that we need to put a lot more pressure on the clerics, the imams, to make a very distinct line between what ISIS, ISIL, the radical Islamic jihadists are doing, and what traditional Islam is about," he is making a fatal mistake. "Traditional Islam" is precisely about "what the radical jihadists are doing" and the imams are in it up to their demented eyeballs. To take but one verse among a plenitude of similar abominations from the Koran, a work unrivaled in its barbarism even by the Bible:

Remember thy Lord inspired the angels with the message: "I am with you: give firmness to the Believers: I will instil terror into the hearts of the Unbelievers: smite ye above their necks and smite all their finger-tips off them.

Since the President of France has, rightly, seen fit to identify the latest smitings as "an act of war," he should invoke Article 5 of the NATO Charter to declare war not just on ISIS but on all of Islam. To the Islamapologist imbeciles who will knee-jerkingly object that "Islam is not a state" I quote exactly what Article 5 says:

The Parties agree that an armed attack against one or more of them in Europe or North America shall be considered an attack against them all and consequently they agree that, if such an armed attack occurs, each of them, in exercise of the right of individual or collective self-defence recognised by Article 51 of the Charter of the United Nations, will assist the Party or Parties so attacked by taking forthwith, individually and in concert with the other Parties, such action as it deems necessary, including the use of armed force, to restore and maintain the security of the North Atlantic area.

It says "an armed attack." It doesn't specify by what category of entity. This was an armed attack.

2) Close the mosques. Don't just "seriously consider" closing some of them, as Donald Trump urges; do it. All of them. 80% of these repositories of superstition in the United States preach jihad. "Death to America!""Freedom go to hell," etc. They are attended by 95% of all American Muslims. Close them down at once. This doesn't stop the savages from believing in or peacefully promoting belief in Allah, as long as they don't conspire to incite and/or carry out murder in his name; it is not a violation of the First Amendment. It is a mandatory act of self-defence in wartime, just as we would have closed down any hub of Nazism in WW2. Any mosque wanting exemption should have to apply for it, and prove its commitment to NIOF—the Non-Initiation of Force principle. (An impossible requirement? Good!)

3) Close the borders. Not one refugee. Not one Muslim. No Trojan horse in the name of the sacrifism that has undermined Western Civilisation all along. Kick Political Correctness' ass to the other side of the moon. One of the Paris murderers was a documented refugee. One is all it takes.

Again: Not one refugee. Not one Muslim.

NATO, as part of this War on Islam, should send all refugees (and repatriate European Muslims as appropriate) to Mina, the tent city (luxurious as tent cities go—the tents are even air-conditioned), routinely used by pilgrims to Mecca. It can accommodate three million. If the Saudi regime objects, exterminate it, as one would all vermin (part of the War on Islam must be to recognise that the Saudis are as vile as, and the fathers of, ISIS, and they're all as vile as the Iranian Shias, etc.). When Mina is full, create another one. As many as it takes. And make the Saudis pay. (Cue Mr Trump!)

4) Withdraw all public funding from universities where Political Correctness reigns—in the form, for example, of speech codes forbidding "micro-aggressions" such as "America is the land of opportunity" and "There is only one race—the human race." Next to the mosques, universities are the worst repositories of unreason and anti-freedom. Taxpayers should not be made to fund their own destroyers.

5) Forcibly remove Obama from the White House and detain him at Guantanamo, the place from which he couldn't wait to release more detainees just hours after the Paris massacres. There he should remain pending trial for complicity in war crimes and High Treason, for which he should, if found guilty, be executed. I've referred to him often enough as "Obamarx" and "Obamullah," the "Anti-American President." His repulsive utterances at the post-massacre press conference in Turkey (the massacre having occurred just hours after he had claimed ISIS to be "contained") must surely have sealed his traitor status except in the anti-minds of the most zealously evil.

By withdrawing prematurely from Iraq and failing to make good on his "red line" promise against Assad's use of chemical weapons in Syria, Obamullah directly paved the way for ISIS to flourish. Then to say, just hours after the streets of Paris had been strewn with dead young bodies cut down by the self-same ISIS, that this event was a mere "setback," was an obscenity eclipsing even his dismissal of Fort Hood as "work-place violence," of ISIS as "the JV team," etc.

Impress upon all befuddled commentators like O'Reilly and Hannity, who constantly profess themselves gobsmacked by the President's seemingly incomprehensible conduct, that he is not merely innocently misguided, naive, mistaken, confused or dumb—he is an active, conscious agent of evil. He made no secret of his agenda to "fundamentally transform" America when running for the presidency in 2008. He has largely succeeded. This fan of Jeremiah Wright and Bill Ayers is not in the White House to walk among the Washingtons and Jeffersons and Lincolns and Reagans—he's there to obliterate them. He must be removed from there forthwith. America—and Western Civilisation—doesn't have the luxury of waiting for the 2016 election. The Generals must do their patriotic duty.

6) Regarding professed libertarians and Objectivists in our midst for whom their warped version of doctrinal purity (e.g., open borders, regardless of context; "Christianity is just as bad,""Not all Muslims are terrorists," etc.) trumps the clash of civilisations: denounce them as the "useful idiots" that they are. They are the Children of Chamberlain, the Friends of ISIS, low-life moral equivalencers, pathetic bleeding-heart deserters. They are disgusting, and of no use in the battle for reason, freedom and decency. They have forgotten that retaliatory force against those who initiate it is not just a right, but a sacred duty.

The foregoing is a start. Note that, even though this is a Declaration of War, not one bomb or killing is required, necessarily. And I suspect not one bomb or killing would be necessary, so refreshingly, radically, terrifyingly unambiguous would this gesture be in its moral clarity. Just don't hold your breath. Moral clarity nowadays is conveyed only by the evil, it seems.

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