Intelligent Data Rich Immigration Discussion
I wish that Objectivists were capable of this type of intelligent fact rich discussion of immigration. Also at roughly 52 minutes in there is a discussion of libertarians and their approaches to open...
View ArticleHumanity's Finest vs Sub-Humanity's Lowest
Garrick Ohlsson Plays Brahms New Zealand Symphony Orchestra Jaime Martin, Conductor Michael Fowler Centre, Fri Nov 13, 2015In reviewing a concert at this moment in history, one is mindful of one's good...
View ArticleMulticulturalism's Treachery
by Olivia PiersonWhat do North Korea, Russia, Iran, Syria – and the Zealots of Multiculturalism all have in common? Communism? No. Religion? No. Totalitarianism? Close. It is hatred of the West.Since...
View ArticleSix Steps (Non-Exhaustive) toward the Saving of Western Civilisation
When Western Civilisation comes to an end, as it assuredly soon must if it doesn't quickly mount a dramatic rearguard action on its own behalf, its epitaph will be words that have been cited often, but...
View ArticleFlag Furore
Decades ago, brilliant British-born television broadcaster and academic Austin Mitchell fled New Zealand saying, "There's a bloody great clobbering machine there." He referred to stifling conformity,...
View ArticlePoem: Speech to a Crowd
Speech to a Crowd by Archibald MacLeishTell me, my patient friends, awaiters of messages. From what other shore, from what stranger, Whence, was the word to come? Who was to lesson you?Listeners under...
View ArticlePhew, Pew!
My biggest fear in writing this article is that I might not offend millennials."Millennials" are those I refer to as "Generation Airhead"—anyone under the age of 35-ish, high-tech, low-brained; unable...
View ArticleThis Black Life Doesn't Matter
While driving, a medical student, Peter Gold, sees some trash trying to mug a woman. He backs up his car, gets out and remonstrates with the trash. The trash then shoots him in the belly. He tries to...
View Article"A Republic, Madam, If You Can Keep It."
“A Republic, Madam, If You Can Keep It.” by Olivia PiersonThis was the reply of Benjamin Franklin when he was leaving the Constitutional Convention of 1787, where a woman asked him, “Well, Doctor, what...
View ArticleAmerica's Academic Thought Police
Interesting and ominous article on political correctness, multiculturalism, sensitivity, etc. in America's best schools: excerpt:The Yale Problem Begins in High...
View ArticleThe Left's Real Agenda
Is what I keep saying it is. To create multi-racial countries in the former White Euro world. Watch the video below.Now understand that the left will not stop in their drive for this. THIS is the new...
View ArticleLife Today
Altho' it's true that we in the early 21st century all live in a notably illiberal Dark Age culture of considerable sadness, sickness, ignorance, irrationality, malevolence, and tyranny, nevertheless:...
View ArticleThe NZSO and Keeping the Flame
In my essay, Music of the Gods, extolling the supremacy of the Romantic genre in music, I noted:... in the Romantic period (nineteenth and early twentieth centuries) composers and performers pushed the...
View ArticleThe Prescience of the Ex-President
The president of Oklahoma Wesleyan University—a private Christian institution—has just told Moronnials to grow up. This, after a student who attended one of his sermons complained that the homily made...
View ArticleTen Steps to End Jihad Against the West
Long, incisive, carefully-written, powerful article on how to defeat Islam and the Muslims, by Craig Biddle of The Objective Standard.https://www.theobjectivestanda...Here's a summary of the essay's...
View ArticleClimate Claims
The "climate change" and "global warming" scare-mongers, socialists, and tyrants, who have little respect for science, but who enjoy politicizing all imagined socio-economic problems, make the...
View ArticleGreatest Existential Threat to America—Its President!
Greatest Existential Threat to America—Its President!Four days after Islamosavages shot up a Christmas party in California, killing fourteen, President Obama finally acknowledged this was an act of...
View ArticleDonald Trump Says Ban All New Muslims in America
Amazing new development in U.S. presidential race.The essence of Trump's argument seems to be this:" is obvious to anybody the hatred [from Muslims] is beyond comprehension. Where this hatred...
View ArticleThe Beautiful Lady in the Middle: Hypatia of Alexandria
The Beautiful Lady in the Middle: Hypatia of Alexandria by Olivia PiersonWhen Raphael painted his famous classical work, School of Athens, he rendered the form of a beseeching figure in white robes who...
View ArticleWorthy Is the Band!
New Zealand Symphony Orchestra and Soloists NZSO Messiah Chorale Handel's Messiah Michael Fowler Centre December 12, 2015Two bands were doing gigs in Wellington last night: veteran headbangers ACDC at...
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