Greatest Existential Threat to America—Its President!
Four days after Islamosavages shot up a Christmas party in California, killing fourteen, President Obama finally acknowledged this was an act of terrorism. He did not, however, acknowledge his own role in it. The savages were inspired by ISIS, the organisation he directly enabled, emboldened and nurtured by his abandonment of Iraq and his ongoing denial that the caliphate represented an existential threat to the United States. ISIS' flourishing is Obama's handiwork. Flourishing, it inspires other Islamosavages to perpetrate their unspeakable deeds.
Daniel Oran's Dictionary of the Law defines treason as "...[a]...citizen's actions to help a foreign government overthrow, make war against, or seriously injure the [parent nation]."
By his actions and inactions, Obama has helped and continues to help the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria make war against Americans.
In his speech tonight Obama made it clear that henceforth it will be appeasement as usual. He spent more time exonerating Muslims in general from the acts of ISIS than excoriating ISIS. His primary concern was to deny that we are witnessing precisely the clash of civilisations that we are. That's because, in that clash, he's on the other side.
Obama has spearheaded an immigration policy that has allocated 680,000 Green Cards to Muslims in the past five years. At the same time, in an impeachable breach of the Constitution, he has attempted to provide amnesty to millions of Mexicans currently in America illegally.
Obama promised a "fundamental transformation of America" in 2008. It's now clear that a major component of his strategy to achieve this has been immigration: import as many people from alien cultures as possible. Another is to override the Second Amendment and disarm American citizens. Even tonight, Obama couldn't help himself, as he promoted new gun laws that would have made no difference to the San Bernardino savages' access to the weapons they used.
Donald Trump is wrong about Obama. He is not "stupid," or "incompetent" or "delusional." He is not someone who "doesn't know what the hell he is doing." He knows exactly what he is doing, and is going about it with extraordinary tenacity and competence.
Obama should be impeached for what he is doing, and could be on any number of counts. But he won't be, meaning patriots loyal to the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution must take matters into their own hands. Post-Paris, pre-San Bernardino, among six steps necessary to save Western Civilisation, I included:
5) Forcibly remove Obama from the White House and detain him at Guantanamo, the place from which he couldn't wait to release more detainees just hours after the Paris massacres. There he should remain pending trial for complicity in war crimes and High Treason, for which he should, if found guilty, be executed. I've referred to him often enough as "Obamarx" and "Obamullah," the "Anti-American President." His repulsive utterances at the post-massacre press conference in Turkey (the massacre having occurred just hours after he had claimed ISIS to be "contained") must surely have sealed his traitor status except in the anti-minds of the most zealously evil.
By withdrawing prematurely from Iraq and failing to make good on his "red line" promise against Assad's use of chemical weapons in Syria, Obamullah directly paved the way for ISIS to flourish. Then to say, just hours after the streets of Paris had been strewn with dead young bodies cut down by the self-same ISIS, that this event was a mere "setback," was an obscenity eclipsing even his dismissal of Fort Hood as "work-place violence," of ISIS as "the JV team," etc.
Impress upon all befuddled commentators like O'Reilly and Hannity, who constantly profess themselves gobsmacked by the President's seemingly incomprehensible conduct, that he is not merely innocently misguided, naive, mistaken, confused or dumb—he is an active, conscious agent of evil. He made no secret of his agenda to "fundamentally transform" America when running for the presidency in 2008. He has largely succeeded. This fan of Jeremiah Wright and Bill Ayers is not in the White House to walk among the Washingtons and Jeffersons and Lincolns and Reagans—he's there to obliterate them. He must be removed from there forthwith. America—and Western Civilisation—doesn't have the luxury of waiting for the 2016 election. The Generals must do their patriotic duty.
The wisdom of these words has been underscored tonight. The biggest existential threat to America is its President. The military must neutralise its Commander-in-Chief.
I guess that's not going to happen either—in which case it's "So long, America." One thing Donald Trump is right about: after Obama's speech Trump tweeted, "Is that all there is? We need a new President FAST." I wonder if he realises how right he is? Another year of Obama will be all it takes to "fundamentally transform" the Land of the Free beyond recognition or recovery.