I expected the Zimmerman verdict to go the other way. I expect the worst in all things in this abominably inverted pomo-world where Pamela Geller is barred from Britain while Islamofilth is allowed to run amok, self-defence is murder, murder is self-defence, perpetrators are victims, victims are perpetrators, justice is about "heart" rather than facts—and "heart" decrees that the white guy is always in the wrong and always a racist. Even after the verdict, Juan Williams was dribbling on that it was based on pesky "technicalities" (such as that the prosecution was light years away from "beyond reasonable doubt"?) rather than "heart.""Heart" presumably would have dictated a guilty verdict just for the hell of enabling the baying lynch-mob of Al Sharptons and Jesse Jacksons and their babble of Black Supremacist savages to feel "heartened"—regardless of what the evidence showed and the law required. Well, let us thank Gobby for heartless justice, and rejoice that it has prevailed in this instance.
Charges should never have been laid to begin with. Had George Zimmerman been black and Trayvon Martin white, they would not have been. That they were is testament to the corruption of America's justice system by Politically Correct subjectivism, less than subtly fuelled by Obamarx himself when he averred: "If I had a son he'd look like Trayvon."
Let us hope this rare outbreak of sanity in the Zimmerman case signals the beginning of the end of the nightmarish pomo-madness that has overtaken all western countries, and that justice will repair routinely again to resolute blindness—including colour-blindness.