The War Against Islam and Objectivism
The people who are fighting Islam are brave and courageous people, but from what I can see most of them lack the positive weapons to win the battle. For example, Robert Spencer is a Catholic and Ann...
View ArticleTotal Passion for Life: Lindsay's Book
Reading over your book the last few nights, I found it to be one of the best critiques of Objectivism I have ever experienced in my long Objectivist career. Mostly, I focused on articles about...
View ArticleNew book: REASON and LIBERTY
I recently published a new book, REASON and LIBERTY, available at Leanpub: at Amazon: the back cover: In REASON and LIBERTY,...
View ArticleOedipus the King and Women of Trachis
Alex Hyde-white, who was the narrator for "I AM JOHN GALT," by Donald Luskin the performer for my translation of Oedipus the King by...
View ArticleHail, "Heartless" Justice!
I expected the Zimmerman verdict to go the other way. I expect the worst in all things in this abominably inverted pomo-world where Pamela Geller is barred from Britain while Islamofilth is allowed to...
View ArticleAir Head America ("Literally") - "Debbie" Hersman, Chairman of the National...
"Despite its many problems, feminism has been a major force for political, economic, and social change for the better. Today, just as with any other ideologically mixed movement, alliances with...
View ArticleFrom Apollo 11 to Martian Missions
From Apollo 11 to Martian Missions By Edward HudginsOn July 20, 1969 Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin made those historic first footprints on the Moon. But the ensuing decades have been frustrating to...
View ArticleSome Thoughts on the Zimmerman/Martin Episode
The Zimmerman trial and what it represents is perhaps the most important cultural phenomenon we have seen. So many things, so much evil, is involved that OrgOism's refusal to comment on it is...
View ArticleMainstream Breakthrough: Bono of U2: Only Capitalism Can End Poverty
I missed this at the time. About time that man talked sense. Did he retract this? I wouldn't be as surprised if he did as I was to see him state this. They'd be no more invites to Obama's shindigs if...
View ArticleSurvelliance State Cartoon
Maybe it's time to do like the Muslims: submit and surrender.
View ArticleStatism is turning America into Detroit – Ayn Rand's Starnesville come to life
21 July 2013Daniel Hannan at The TelegraphAtlas Shrugged:Beyond the town, on a distant hill, stood the factory of the Twentieth Century Motor Company. Its walls, roof lines and smokestacks looked trim,...
View ArticleWar and Purpose: Cossacks in Paris
Below is an excerpt from my Atlasphere review of Jeff Perren's novel Cossacks in Paris:"Big events. That’s what I love about historical dramas. These days, Hollywood and modern novels deflate the...
View ArticleAmerica is No Longer Exceptional Says Charles Murray
Excerpt from article: America is no longer the exceptional country it once was, says famed libertarian social scientist Charles Murray.“The American personality is still recognizable around the world,...
View ArticleCome On Council, What Does This Cost?
Affordable Auckland Waitemata & Gulf candidate Stephen Berry is incredulous at the news Auckland Council is running a pilot program teaching etiquette to skateboarders. The Skate Ambassador scheme...
CAN CHRISTIANITY, JOHN LOCKE, VON MISES, AYN RAND OR ANY COMBINATION SAVE AMERICA? This post is shortened to the extent possible. But the link to its longer version is given at the end, please note ....
View ArticleThe Tutsis vs The Hutus
I always try to find new ways to think of the Left / Right divide in America. I found a great comment at an econlog entry that very cleverly depicts it. Here is the comment. Its good:Let's say you were...
View ArticleMemo to Team Ayn, by W. E. Aselword, MBA, PhD
Memo to Team Ayn, by William E. Aselword, MBA, PhDHi Guys!So I thought I should like touch base with you guys and like have a conversation about where we're like at. So seems some of those SOLO dudes...
View ArticleStephen Berry Standing for Mayor of Auckland
Affordable Auckland candidate for Waitemata & Gulf Stephen Berry is now also a candidate for Mayor of Auckland. “I’ve been waiting for a candidate with real policies that will promote affordable...
View ArticleWellington's Amazing Tom and Izzie Show!
As an unapologetic dinosaur I spend a lot of time in despair over Generation Airhead—that is, just about all "people" under 30, aliens in human guise who don't read, can't speak, and shuffle around...
View ArticleA Typical Democrat President Lyndon Johnson – A Study
The attached file is a brief study (about 7 pages) of a typical Dem-President after the New Deal. See Link -- (you do not require CX account, password etc, just click the link...
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