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Obama's Apologia


A Muslim murdered 49 and wounded 53 in Orlando, Florida on June 12, 2016. About 12 hours later President Barack Obama made an official five-minute speech about it.

As usual, he didn't mention the monstrous fiends known as "Muslims." As usual, he didn't mention the depraved ideology known as "Islam." And certainly he didn't mention the Islamics' dedication to, and practice of, the hideous doctrine of "jihad."

The Muslims and the jihadis -- guided by the horrific ideology of Islam -- have devastated America at least since 2001. And they continue to attack and hurt us terribly to this day. We adamantly refuse to counter-attack and defeat them -- even tho' this would be quick and easy.

Over the past 15 years, with all of our pitiful and defensive "security" measures, America has practically been converted into an armed camp. Our formerly confident and carefree nation is now not unlike the surrounded and beleaguered state of Israel.

Muslims in America essentially kill away freely -- such as the 6 murdered in Chattanooga, Tennessee in July of 2015, and the 14 murdered in San Bernardino, California in December of 2015. Nothing like this is perpetrated by the other religious groups in America, such as Christians, Jews, Mormons, agnostics, atheists, Hindus, etc. And the same bloody thing happens in Europe, only worse. Almost all of these Muslim mass-murderers, it should be noted, were well-treated as local residents and citizens before they began their rampages. It seems to be only a matter of time before one of these Islamics and jihadis sneaks a portable nuclear bomb into a large city and slaughters hundreds of thousands of innocents.

And yet these repellent insects -- who vastly need and deserve to be squashed -- were not identified by name in the speech by Obama. Nor was their miserably false and evil philosophy. "Muslims" and "Islam" seem to be unknown terms to the U.S. president.

Or at least they are when he isn't treasonously defending and praising them. And he does this last quite a lot.

Obama claims: "We've reached no definitive judgment on the precise motivations of the killer." But a child can figure this out. The killer was motivated by the philosophy of Islam in general and the doctrine of jihad in particular.

Obama claims: "[W]e must spare no effort to determine what -- if any -- inspiration or association this killer may have had." But a child can determine that the killer was inspired by Islam and his association with Muslims.

Obama claims: "[W]e'll uncover why and how this happened, and we will go wherever the facts lead us." But a child can uncover that the "why" is the philosophy of Islam, and that the "how" is we have Muslims in our midst. People who believe in Islam are free to roam about America and practice their beliefs -- which often means slaughtering innocents at will.

As for Obama and the government "go[ing] wherever the facts lead us," that would be toward the inescapable and undeniable truth which is: Islam is wildly evil, and active Muslims need to be terminated. The ideology of Islam is false, loathsome, and depraved -- to state the obvious -- and the people of Islam, who love and practice jihad, and who enjoy murdering infidels, need to be obliterated from the face of the earth.

But Obama isn't interested in the truth about Islam and the Muslims. Nor are any of America's right-wing conservative or left-wing progressive political or philosophical leaders. Our decadent and depraved country -- our irrational, illiberal, self-hating, self-destroying nation -- knows perfectly well just how heinous and despicable are Islam and the Muslims. But for moral and ideological reasons, we dare not speak these facts aloud. We simply don't have the intellectual self-confidence and philosophical tools to defeat Islam and the Muslims. They realize this too.

And thus we are now -- and will long remain -- "grasping for answers with broken hearts" as Islam and the Muslims ravage our once great and beautiful nation. Starting with the virtually self-evident truths above, it's high time we acquired some intellectual knowledge and philosophical answers!

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