Dying Vet to Filth, 2013
A letter from a Democrat to two Democrat Washington State senators. Mr Schoonover died shortly after penning it. Of course, what is needed now is not term limits but a second revolution. Dear Senator:I...
View ArticleIslam
The evil of Islam and the Islamics never ends. They seek to enslave or murder us all. A decent, normal, healthy, moral, rational world would hate and destroy them.
View ArticleObamilemma
The killing of fifty-plus gay people in an Orlando nightclub by an evil Muslim has put The Anti-American President in a quandary where he must decide which is more important to him: his support for...
View ArticleObama's Apologia
A Muslim murdered 49 and wounded 53 in Orlando, Florida on June 12, 2016. About 12 hours later President Barack Obama made an official five-minute speech about it. As usual, he didn't mention the...
View ArticleObituary: My Aunty Margaret
It may seem incongruous, if not downright blasphemous, to pay tribute to an avowed communist on an Objectivist/libertarian site, but, ex-communist that I am, I am going to do exactly that.My aunt...
View ArticleWhat Happens When There Are Five Like Her?
From this:http://dailycaller.com/2016/06..."U.S. Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor submitted a racially-charged dissent in a Fourth Amendment case on Monday, which commentators hailed as a...
View Article"Terrorism Has No Religion?" Don't be Absurd, Ms. Devoy!
An open letter to Susan Devoy:http://www.oliviapierson.org/b...Madam,I titled this piece as such because it is a favourite saying of yours, Dame Susan Devoy, our Race Relations Commissioner - you who...
View ArticleAutonomy and Democracy
Autonomy and democracy are asinine and depraved social and political ideals. Government based upon self-rule or majority-rule is fatuous, evil, and massively failed as institutions. All such existing...
View ArticleLeonard Peikoff on Donald Trump
From Mr. Peikoff’s podcast of June 20, 2016: With regard to Trump, ... I just bought, and wear, a great T-shirt [short anticipating laugh] which says in bold letters ................. 2016 ............
View ArticleThe Triumph of Evil Set to a Good Man's Music
One doesn't have to be a superstitionist to believe that the end-times are upon us. I'm an elderly atheist, and it's never been clearer to me that Good vs Evil is the defining issue of human...
View ArticleBrook Demonstrates That Love is Exception Making
Brook changes his views on Mohammedan "immigration" as often as I change my socks. He was all for the Moslem invasion and the nuking of Iran. Then, he was for ending the Moslem invasion until Iran was...
View ArticleA Second Declaration of Independence
I wrote this, and published it here, in 2009. The case for it is even stronger in 2016.A Second Declaration of IndependenceWhen in the course of human affairs it becomes necessary for citizens to break...
View ArticleMove Over Brexit! Yoooooooge Setback for Filth in Australia!
Move over Brexit! Pauline Hanson, reviled by Filth, has just won a seat in the Australian Senate, and will possibly pick up two more once this weekend's election results become more clear. Note the...
View ArticleCriminal Hillary
Almost beyond a doubt, all of the emails of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, from 2009 to 2013, were successfully hacked and stolen by China, Russia, Pakistan, Iran, Saudi Arabia, North Korea, the...
View ArticleCrooked Comey Means Amexit or Annexit
So Comey too is crooked. Having laid out the case for prosecuting Lying Crooked Hillary for criminal negligence, the FBI Director then bizarrely and lamely concluded there was no case. She was, he...
View Article'The Husband I Bought' by Ayn Rand
After about a year in America, at age 21 in 1926, Ayn Rand wrote her first short story in English. It's called The Husband I Bought. Surprisingly, perhaps, it's fairly long, sophisticated, and good. If...
View ArticleMy Questions for Americans after the Dallas Cop-Shootings
1) Where are the Sons of Liberty? 2) Why is that piece of Islamexcrement still in the White House?!3) I am reliably informed that a successful attack by Islamofilth (or anyone) on the US electric grid...
View ArticleYaron Brook on Brexit
Yaron Brook, president of the Ayn Rand Institute, discussed the Brexit referendum on his podcast two days after it passed. Those interested in how ARI uses its namesake’s language to help destroy...
View ArticleNew (Kindle *and* Paperback!) Edition of Linz's 'The One Tenor: A Salute to...
New (Kindle *and* Paperback!) Edition of Linz's 'The One Tenor: A Salute to Mario Lanza'I've just posted the following item about Linz's updated edition of The One Tenor on my website, Mario Lanza,...
View ArticleAmerican Racism
Barack Obama is obviously racist. His close friends and allies Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, and Louis Farrakhan are obviously racist. The Black Lives Matter movement is obviously racist. And yet they...
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