The essence of the August 12th, 2017 Charlottesville, Virginia march and demonstration was a protest against the explicit damnation of white society and the implict promotion of black racism. That's the true meaning of the removal of that well-honored, century-old, Robert E. Lee statue from the public park.
The Unite the Right marchers were also protesting against America's established policy of politically-correct "antifa" censorship of ideas and opinions which the progressives don't like. Finally, this demonstration was at least generally and implicitly, if inchoately and ineptly, a protest against the post-1965 era of growing anti-Westernism, anti-Americanism, Nanny State fascism, and omnipotent Big Brotherism.
It's sad, wrong, and counter-productive that the groups staging this march were essentially conservative and fascist -– not Tea Partiest and libertarian. It's even more sad, wrong, and counter-productive that these groups were rather corrupted by white racism.
But this "white pride" response -- and defiance against overall philosophical and political evil -– is fairly normal, understandable, and even forgivable. After all, we live in an irrational, illiberal, Dark Age world where practically everyone agrees with Susan Sontag that "The white race is the cancer of human history," and Malcolm X who says that "The white man is the devil." All of these post-modernist, progressivist sentiments and judgments are false and evil beyond compare. So it's only natural that virtuous whites somewhat resent and partially resist them.
Of course, white people reject the outrage and depravity of this black racism in a very much pathetic and sissified way. These days intelectually bright and morally good white folks simply aren't allowed to decently or properly fight back against the raw evil and racism of Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Louis Farrakhan, Cornel West, and countless others.
And if a handful of foolish whites do dare to defy the philosophical and cultural powers-that-be, they are instantly slammed -- with deliberate mindless untruth and calculated intimidating injustice -– by virtually all people as lovers of the Ku Klux Klan and Adolf Hitler. This revolting tactic effectively undercuts and silences almost all. Thus high-quality whites resist the current societal onslaught in a manner which is weak, lame, emasculated, impotent, sorry, pitiful, useless, and worthless. At best they are sarcastic, cynical, evasive, apathetic, and quietly, fecklessly resistant in the face of our evil world's "hate whitey, kill whitey" philosophy and rampaging lynch mobs.