Great Interview With Douglas Murray to 13 mins through 16 mins. Could be talking about Yaron Brook.
View ArticleThe President's Burden I consider that all world leaders in their different eras get handed complex problems not of their own creation - Lincoln and the scourge of black slavery, say, or...
View ArticleSteven Patterson Interviews David Kelley
Great interview with David. He presents a winning presentation of Objectivism:
View ArticleThe Problem with Women
By Olivia Pierson of my bug-bears is how much feminism has messed with the heads of modern females - to the point where they have shot themselves in the foot so...
View ArticleMOGA: Why Obleftivists are Always Wrong on Foreign Policy
At root, Schwartz's problem is his profound rationalism (meaning his thinking in terms of floating abstractions). The history of Islam and nationalism is of no interest to him. The jihad on American...
View ArticleToday's Political Solutions, In a Nutshell
1) Promote freedom -- not democracy. 2) Promote justice -- not peace. 3) Cut spending -- don't cut taxes. 4) Cut regulation -- don't cut taxes. 5) Simplify taxes -- don't cut taxes. 6) Make taxes...
View ArticleMuslims
There are basically only two types of Muslims in the world today: active and passive. Or else: loudly-and-openly Islamic and quietly-and-discretely Islamic.Or else: honestly-and-sincerely Islamic and...
View ArticlePerfecto, Apasionado Pablo!
Classical guitarist Pablo Sáinz Villegas graced the Michael Fowler Centre with his debonair presence on Saturday night and showed unassailably why he is hailed around the world as the successor to...
View ArticleMilo is Dangerous to All the Right People
Below is a link to my review of Milo's new book "Dangerous." It's a must read. It's both informative and entertaining. https://militaryreviews.blogsp...
View ArticleARI Supporter Attacks Me and Linz accepts Yaron's attack on Linz . . . . what's new . , .
View ArticleGoogle vs. Biology
Someone at Google just claimed men and women may be somewhat different in nature and nurture. He speculated that this may be a factor in where both genders end up in life, and in the company. He...
View ArticleKarma for Filth
Let's hope, now that we know North Korea can nuke any city in the US in less than an hour, the following members of The Filth be taken out by any NK nuke their appeasing policies enabled. And everyone...
View ArticleAmy Peikoff - Fake Constitutional Scholar
The fake Constitutional scholar: "The First Amendment says 'Government shall make no law...', not 'Facebook shall make no policy.... We need to criticize, not legislate."_______________Amy Peikoff
View ArticleThe Current Nuclear Threat
For ten or fifteen years now North Korea has been repeatedly, and even routinely, threatening America with nuclear obliteration. This behavior is absolutely shocking, amazingly immoral, and completely...
View ArticleThe Face of Bwook/Binswanker's Obleftivist Open Immigwation Policy
Islamofilth rolls up unchecked on a Spanish beach. "Self-selected for virtue," no doubt.“Freedom of travel is a right. It is a right possessed by every human being, not just by Americans."—Hawwy...
View ArticleTrump's new immigration bill and the English language
Here's a quick thought on Trump's new immigration plan (the RAISE Act) and the oh-so-controversial preferential lane that will be given to those who can speak ENGLISH!Is English special anyhow? I give...
View ArticleCharlottesville clash: wake up call for Objectivists! Identity politics vs...
The violent clash between the White Identity right wing and the Anti-White leftists should be a wake up call to Objectivists, libertarians, and limited government advocates.Mass immigration is...
View ArticleCharlottesville, Virginia Culture Clash
The essence of the August 12th, 2017 Charlottesville, Virginia march and demonstration was a protest against the explicit damnation of white society and the implict promotion of black racism. That's...
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