Harry Richardson's Compassionate Advice for Poor, Innocent Victims of...
http://www.pickeringpost.com/s...Harry RichardsonCharter for Compassion International have recently released a guidebook on Islamophobia. After reviewing it, we can honestly say we had no idea it was...
View ArticleOur Pets
Western Civilization continues to live with wild animals in its midst. And it continues to praise the philosophy of these wild animals. So the devastation of the West by the animals goes on. This is...
View ArticleObama Says Israel’s Prosperity Obstructs Peace
Obama Says Israel’s Prosperity Obstructs Peace By Edward HudginsMarch 31, 2016 -- President Obama seems to blame the continuing Israeli-Palestinian conflict on, of all things, Israel’s prosperity. Not...
View ArticleTibor Machan 1939-2016
I am greatly saddened by the death of Tibor Machan. Though our friendship became a casualty of the PARC Wars, I retain and cherish superlative memories of the time he spent under my roof, being in New...
View ArticlePolitical Cartoons Bosch and Trump and Motivations
This Bosch cartoon wonderfully captures two ways people are motivated. "Nobody would fight harder for free speech than me but why taunt, over and over again, in order to provoke possible death to...
View ArticleMulling Mahleria and Moronnials
Mulling Mahleria and MoronnialsNew Zealand Symphony Orchestra Gustav Mahler, Symphony No. 3 in D minor Saturday April 2, 2016, Michael Fowler CentreThe end-times presaged by the state of our culture...
View ArticleMarguerite - Movie review
Marguerite - Movie review By Edward HudginsApril 4, 2016 -- Sometimes you might tell a little white lie because you don’t want to hurt someone’s feelings. But the lies often end in tragedy.This is the...
View ArticleGlorious Alex Epstein! A Live Hero in Action!
Rarely in this age of militant anti-heroism, of woeful appeasement of evil, of weasel-worded MBA-speak, does one have an opportunity to see an actual hero in action. Here is one: Alex Epstein, CEO of...
View ArticleExcellent But Terrifying Interview
This is an interview by Stefan Molyneux with Danish scientist Helmuth Nyborg. The subject is genetics, heredity and race and gender differences. This is an excellent introduction to what hereditarian...
View ArticleBeethoven, Brahms and Benedetti vs Barbarians
If there were any flaws in the performances on Saturday night (April 16, 2016) by the New Zealand Symphony Orchestra—with conductor Edo de Waart, violinist Nicola Benedetti and cellist Leonard...
View ArticleGovernment by Contract
Government should be by contract only. The citizen and the state should come to a mutual, official, legal agreement. All adults, upon turning 18 or 21 or so, should sign a formal, written, binding,...
View ArticleGo Get Lady Slapper's Book!
The redoubtable Olivia has just published a new book on Amazon, Western Values Defended: A Primer. Here's what one remarkably perspicacious luminary has said about it:'Western Values Defended: A...
View ArticleFor Linz
Great to hear you’ve got a sequel in the offing.An update, sir, on the matter of scarcity. Separate post as I didn’t want to hijack Olivia’s thread. Since I bought ‘Total Passion’ I’ve had it sitting...
View ArticleAspirations, Gaza Death Tunnels, Schools of Hope
Aspirations, Gaza Death Tunnels, Schools of Hope By Edward HudginsGeopolitical decisions often reflect the aspirations of peoples. The Hamas rulers of Gaza made no secret of their aspirations when they...
View ArticleOh Dear, A Policy of "America First"
This: "My foreign policy will always put the interests of the American people, and American security, above all else. That will be the foundation of every decision that I will make," Trump said....
View ArticleA Moronnial Fesses Up
If you can make out what this adenoidal airhead is saying, you'll realise she's not actually an airhead, merely adenoidal. Though she still hasn't learned to speak, she has tumbled to the fact that her...
View ArticleProof We Live in the Ruins of a Once Great Western Civilisation
Arguing on Gitter last night against the (offensive) Chief Censor's ban of signage on a camping rental company's vans, namely, three signs semi-comically supporting drug use (one for cocaine, two for...
View ArticleWhy Donald Trump Deserves to Win the American Election
Why Trump Deserves to Win the American Election by Olivia Pierson28/4/2016 www.oliviapierson.org"My foreign policy will always put the interests of the American people, and American security, above all...
View ArticleMusic of the Gods—Lisiecki Plays Schumann
Haven't posted one of these for a while. Proof that not all—only 99.99%—of millennials are moronnials, and my answer to the pig-ignorant mewlings of the sub-humans who say Romantic-era music is "tepid."
View ArticleFurther proof of living in the fag-end of a long dead civilisation that once...
Hattip Lindsay Mitchell, a quotation from New Zealand's cheerleader of the totalitarian state, The Morgan Foundation, and the excrement who leads it, Geoff Simmons:"Instead of a facile debate over...
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