The Personal Abuse Issue
Objectivist cultism isn't just a matter of zealously censoring the words, and monstrously excommunicating the persons, of all who study Objectivist theory extensively and deeply -- and then dare to...
View ArticleRight Boot Left Boot, What's The Difference?
One common argument that is ubiquitous from Objectivists, and has been for decades, is that there is an equal or substantial threat coming from both sides of the political spectrum. We are in danger...
View ArticleSquall of Shame
"Gosh, Story, a bit of notice would be nice before you flash naked people to my 8-yr-old on your 7 pm TV show. I know your CEO has stepped down but there are still TV standards, right?"Actually, no....
View ArticleWe're all ophans now - Umbrage Taking.
To quote Lindsay's last post:'The War on Speech is going on all over the civilised world, of course. The mewlings of the under-dressed bimbos on Fox are, if anything, even more unendurable than those...
View ArticleTrump
Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho is the only guy who could out-Trump Trump, but that would be by walking over and throttling him, which would be a glorious return to Roman Empire-era...
View ArticlePanama Papers; Medicinal Cannabis - Free Lives.
Never one to miss an opportunity.The extract below, from my NBR comment here, sums a portion of my thoughts on the hysteria surrounding the Panama papers.Quoting myself:'Albeit taking this piece at...
View ArticleA Tale of Two Universes
There is no greater piano concerto than the Brahms Concerto No. 2. Except perhaps the Brahms Concerto No. 1. At one time the conscientiously cerebral Stephen Hough favoured the No. 1. Then he came to...
View ArticleEU: Evil Union
Here's a link to the already-famous "Brexit" movie. A salutary reminder of things we thought the world had learned but clearly has not:
View ArticleMilitary Philosophy
Ayn Rand learned a philosophy, based on her experiences in life. This high-ranking U.S. sailor learned a philosophy too.
View ArticleIn Which Yaron Brook Demonstates ...
In which Yaron Brook demonstrates his profound ignorance of Islam, culture, history and immigration issues. But, his conclusion isn't that far off from Trump's. Except that Trump isn't crazy enough to...
View ArticleDavid Kelley on the American University Anti-Western Savages and New Bigots
David Kelley seems to break his intellectual silence after many many years. of the Living DWEM by David Kelley; May 18, 20161. WE DEMAND the hiring of at least 10...
View ArticleMuslim Terrorism
Whenever something truly evil, bloody, and inexplicable happens, the first thing on everyone's minds, and the last thing on everyone's lips, is "Muslim terrorism". Maybe nine times out of ten this...
View ArticleWhy Feminists, Not Men, Lead the War Against Women by Olivia Pierson
www.oliviapierson.orgI wrote in my latest book, Western Values Defended: a Primer, that feminism and misogyny are two sides of the same coin. Both are a gratuitous absorption in resentment of the...
View ArticleWho Needs General Douglas MacArthur...
...when you have Field Marshals Von Biddle and Brook? ‘In 1934 Major General Frank Parker, then the commander in the Philippines, reported to Washington that Japanese immigration continued to grow at...
View ArticleEd Cline Evicted by the Jihad.
This is the reality of "America" today. This is the future that all open borders Obleftivists, and their ilk, objectively support. Don't hold your breath for Yaron Brook, Craig Biddle or Harry...
View Article"A Complete Way of Death" by Edward Cline
This is magnificently clear and essential thinking on the Islamic theocratic menace. “A Complete Way of Death” by Edward ClineOn May 26, Family Security Matters reprinted an article, co-authored by...
View ArticleAuthenticism Teaser
The Authenticist project has been delayed ... and delayed and delayed ... because of certain recurring stumbling blocks in my own head. I've just realised what one of them is: my own remaining in...
View ArticleOut!
Much has been said and written lately on the possible risks of leaving the EU, much less about the very real dangers of staying in.We are already more or less at the mercy of a non-democratic...
View ArticleHarry Binswanger Goes Full Retard.
Never go full retard. HB pulls out all the stops, calling Trump a "Fuhrer figure.""If it’s Trump vs. Hillary, I will either not vote, or vote for Hillary ... Trump as president could damage America...
View ArticleMuhammad Ali
Muhammad Ali was not"the greatest". Yes, he was a magnificent athlete, and yes, he had style, charisma, and an entertaining, colorful personality. But far better recent sports heroes are: Tiger Woods,...
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