From Objectivish: Ayn Rand vs. Jordan Peterson: The Benevolent vs. Malevolent...
"Always look on the bright side of death/Just before you draw your terminal breath." -Monty Python's Life of Brian(Originally published at "Ayn Rand vs. Jordan Peterson: The...
View ArticleBlacks in America
America is paradise for black people. Nowhere else on earth do blacks have more freedom, money, health, security, cultural richness, social respect, and personal happiness. Everywhere on the planet...
View ArticleMonsters
George Berkeley, David Hume, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Immanuel Kant, Johann Fichte, and Georg Hegel are the philosophical scum of the earth. No-one ever did more to destroy Enlightenment liberalism –-...
View ArticleThe Truth about Italian Populism
From your favorite Objectivist youtube channel: Who won the Italian 2018 elections? Populists.But who are these populists? Are they right-wing, left-wing, or both?This is the first time that a Western...
View ArticleObjectivity in Objectivism
Great post from Elliot Temple's blog on the concept of Objectivity in Objectivism (there is also some existing discussion there if people are interested). Full post below. Enjoy...
View ArticleCycle of Abuse
“I’ve got the power,” bellows a squat, sour-faced woman from her bicycle. Four boys, dead-eyed and sullen, follow behind in fluro-vests and safety-helmets.“I’ve got the power,” she yells again as she...
View ArticleAntifa Propaganda Masquerading as Philosophy Discussion on YouTube subscribers wanted to be condescended to by a leftist who thinks property rights are violence, apparently
View ArticlePrivate Pleasure and the Welfare State
All countries today should be required to post this sign at their major border crossings and inside their large cities: A Special Message From the Welfare State"Welcome, mafia! Welcome, organized...
View ArticleThe Gift of Colonialism
By Olivia Pierson has become the filthiest word in our modern lexicon; it is now more socially acceptable to publicly extol the virtues of sodomy than of...
View ArticleOpen Immigration
Yaron Brook has said he does not support open immigration into Israel. I've heard second hand that Harry Binswanger does not support open immigration of Muslims into Israel (although he supports it...
View Article"To Boldy Go", or "Good Fences Make Good Neighbors"- The Immigration Debate...
"The “Guardians” would be the defenders of structure and order, and the “Traders” are the explorers and bring in fresh ideas. The traders (touting "diversity is our strength") would tout the utopian,...
View ArticleA Couple of Brilliant Battle-axes: Rand and Paglia
By Olivia Pierson“It’s a man’s world and it always will be,” wrote Camille Paglia for ‘Time’ magazine back in 2013. She ends her article with these words: The modern...
View ArticleDestruction From Within
Blacks and Hispanics have done immense damage to America thruout her history, especially over the past half-century. They commit crime, go on welfare, economically produce little, vote for tyranny, and...
View ArticleJim Brown Gone - Yawon Bwook Clone In
ARI announces that Jim Brown is being replaced by yet another anti-American Israeli as CEO. "SANTA ANA, Calif., March 27, 2018 — The Ayn Rand Institute (ARI), the leading center for the advancement of...
View ArticleThe Philosophical Side of Politics
By Olivia Pierson is worth noting that politics is interesting only in as much as it pertains to philosophy, for it poses an important question: In what way should...
View ArticleSchool Shootings
How do we minimize shootings in school? For that matter, how do we minimize fighting, bullying, general crime, and overall personal abuse in schools? Here's six pretty good ideas:1) Radically increase...
View ArticleAtlas Shrugged Chapter 3 Close Reading
Elliot Temple has continued his chapter by chapter discussion of Atlas Shrugged. You may have read his discussion of chapters 1 and 2 that were linked from this thread...
View ArticleYaron Brook Denies Potential Genocide - Virtue Signals
Yaron Brook is the Ayn Rand Institute's chairman of the board. Although no longer ARI's CEO, he is still very much its public face. He seems to be putting most of his effort into his "radio" show. He...
View ArticleVarieties of Objectivism
The best Objectivists are the passionately rational and rationally passionate ones. Or at least the philosophical and energetic ones who are also wise and lively. It's important to have a large amount...
View ArticleMomentous Mahler
It is said of Gustav Mahler that as a conductor he was a despot and a perfectionist. "To him there was no such thing as a minor detail," Harold C. Schonberg writes, "... Mahler would not tolerate...
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