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"Terrorism Has No Religion?" Don't be Absurd, Ms. Devoy!


An open letter to Susan Devoy:


I titled this piece as such because it is a favourite saying of yours, Dame Susan Devoy, our Race Relations Commissioner - you who don’t like the greeting “Merry Christmas” because ‘non-Christians’ might feel offended during their summer holidays; we know you mean Muslims of course.

As a student of history, I can tell you without exaggeration that terrorism does indeed have a religion; it’s called Islam and its most esteemed prophet, Mo, was a terrorist on steroids – but don't just take my word for it, do us all a favour and read your goddamn Koran and Hadiths.

Non-Muslim acts of terror do happen occasionally, such as the Colorado Planned Parenthood shooting in 2015, or the horrific example of murdered British Labour MP, Jo Cox, as recently as last week. But the operative word here is as I state – ‘occasionally’.

Islamic Terror happens every day, whether in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Syria, Qatar, Oman, Lebanon, Turkey or increasingly now in the West. Every day! That, my dear Commissar Sue, is glaringly obvious, and also the very reason why it is safe to say in our current context that terrorism does indeed have a devoted religion. I know that fact makes things a little inconvenient for you when it comes to your next kumbaya race relations cuddle-up with the adherents of this regressive superstition, but instead of being satisfied with their platitudinous condemnations of violent jihad, ask them to condemn their Prophet Mo, since he set the example and enshrined it in their theocracy... ie: political ideology with a smattering of religion (tolerance not included).

In the mean time, please stop espousing vacuous ‘diversity’ drivel to the general public of New Zealand (as if this is something new to us), and see fit to encourage your precious refugees to focus less on diversity and a little more on commonalties, considering they have now made it to the West. Remind them that we are at our happiest whilst getting tipsy and shrieking “Merry Christmas” or “Happy Easter” – even those of us who do not believe in any god. Remind them also that New Zealanders do not want their exceptional Paradise on Earth shattered by vicious sectarian dogmas – which, it seems to have escaped your notice, define modern Arabic lands, as they once also defined the whole Ottoman Empire, thanks to its fanatical religion which has never been optional.

Islam, which literally translates as “submission,” is the Religion of Violent Cruelty and terrorism, and you would do well to stop publicly making excuses for it.

Olivia Pierson


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